elizabeth's diary

elizabeth's diary
"Redeeming Love has been my theme and shall be till I die."-William Cowper

Tuesday, May 27, 2008

The Tornado

Thursday morning the rain was filling up the gutters and splattering on the window panes. "What a rainy day," I thought. I hurried to get dressed and as I plugged in my curling iron the hail began to pound and then my curling iron turned off and the lights went out. I didn't realize then that a few blocks away a mile wide tornado was shredding houses and taring up trees.

Mom was out shopping and came in the house saying she thought something worse was happening then a hailstorm and hurried everyone into the basement bathroom but by then the storm was over and we were oblivious to the disaster just down the street. I went to work but the power was out there too. Little did I know that the power was out all over Windsor. About ten minutes after the hail had stopped the neighbor hood was filled with sirens and we were scared. What had happened?
Nobody could get a hold of us and we could get a hold of no one. About an hour or so after the tornado had hit we found out about it and we quickly made an evacuation with animals to my grandparents in Greeley. Another storm was headed toward Windsor but it did not turn into anything near as frightening as the first. By evening Thursday we found out that five tornadoes had touched ground in different areas that day and that Windsor by far had experienced the worse damage. Power was out and remained out for four and half days but we were blessed and we new it.
Since noon Thursday Windsor has gathered together to help rebuild but it will take a long time before the streets I use to walk down will be cleared and the houses that held my friends will be rebuilt.
Here was God's mercy in the midst of this storm:
1. The Tornado took only one life
2. The Tornado struck at an unusual time of day ( for a tornado) and because it was so close to noon many people were not home.
3. It was the last day of school for Windsor and so most of the children were safe at school instead of in their homes ( this is saying nothing against home schooling).
4.Of all the children in the pre school that now lays in ruble all are safe.


Dorothy B. said...

Oh! I'm so sorry Lizzie! Yes, there is a lot to be thankful for! God bless you!!

Abandoned to Jesus,

elizabethann said...

Thank You Sweet Heart, Love E.

elizabethann said...
This comment has been removed by the author.

Christian Woman Online

"Neither do I condemn you.."

"Neither do I condemn you.."
John 8:11

Anne of Green Gables


Listen to this playlist: elizabeth88ann's Playlist

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Wait For Me, Rebecca St James - I sing this song when I need to :-)



Before You Watch, Because You Loved Me

The following music video has scenes from the Passion of The Christ and so a few scenes show a good amount of blood. Please make sure you ALWAYS ask your parents before watching videos online.

Because You Loved Me



Beauty Is As Beauty Does

Beauty Is As Beauty Does
It's not what you put on your face, it's whats in your heart that really matters!

"I am dying of thirst by the side of the fountain." Charles D'Orleans

"I am dying of thirst by the side of the fountain." Charles D'Orleans
Why do you sit parched by a Fountain? Your Bible is on your night stand and a church a few blocks away... Go take a long drink from God's Fountain and LIVE.


Welcome back to Life!!!

Waiting for her Prince to Come...

Waiting for her Prince to Come...
Key Word Waiting!

Abort Abortion

Abort Abortion
Stand up for the Babies!

What Breaks God's Heart?

What Breaks God's Heart?

  • People who forget their purpose
  • The Ten Commandments beoming the Ten Good Ideas
  • Bellies that will never be full
  • Parents who are not cared for in their old age
  • Churches with closed hearts
  • Babies dying before they breath their first breath
  • Fathers who are not thanked
  • Mothers who are forgotten
  • Little Girls who are not treasured
  • Little Boys who are put aside
  • And His children choosing to stand on the side-lines