elizabeth's diary

elizabeth's diary
"Redeeming Love has been my theme and shall be till I die."-William Cowper

Sunday, December 20, 2009

My Favorite HFD quotes from Chapters 1-7

Five minutes later the King entered her room, “I have come to escort my extremely grumpy daughter to breakfast.,” He said with one of his beautiful smiles and a slight bow.
Madalie took his extended hand with a sigh, “I don't like to meet new people.”
“So I heard.” He said drawing her to sit beside him on her bed.
“Do you know what I don't like?” He asked.
She turned around and looked up at Him, “You like everything, even thunderstorms and lizards under the rocks in the garden.”
He smiled, “Yes I do! However there are a few things I don't like. One of those things are blessed little girls (such as yourself) complaining about silly things, like getting up and getting dressed.” -
Her Father’s Daughter, Chapter One

Madalie quickly found her father, he was talking with yet another man she didn’t recognize. She stole up softly beside him and gently put her hand in his. He caught it and held it fast as if acknowledging her presence. Finally the man left and the King turned to Madalie.
“Did you enjoy your breakfast?” He asked smiling down on her.
“Yes and I introduced myself to Jenny like you wanted me too.”
“I noticed that,” He said with an approving nod.
“Really? I thought you were talking to someone else,” She said surprised.
The King chuckled, “I’m always watching you out of the corner of my eye,” He informed her with a grin.
She smiled back, “Good to know,” She said realizing how safe that made her feel.

–Her Father’s Daughter, Chapter One

“If a naughty girl is precious to a wonderful King can you imagine what a wonderful King is to a naughty girl?!”
Her Father’s Daughter, Chapter One

Madalie would never forget the first time she met Ron Matthews. He was strong for being only fourteen years old, his flannel shirt un-tucked, his sleeves rolled up past his elbows and his sandy brown hair covered by a gray cap. His eyes were blue and a few freckles dotted the top of his nose. He smiled at her and she sank back-wishing she could run but lacking the courage to do anything but stand there, looking at her shoes-terrified.-
Her Father’s Daughter, Chapter Two

The King glanced at her, and then laid down his newspaper again with a sigh, “You need to learn eventually that one, it is important you begin getting up early and two that eating oatmeal for breakfast is hardly the end of the world. Now eat so that we can begin our lessons!”

“But it tastes terrible and feels weird in my mouth!” Even as she said this she brought her bowl back in front of her, she knew it didn't matter what she said in the end she would have to eat it.

“Daughter, there are children who would be thankful for your oatmeal and eat it gladly.”

“Then why don't we send it to them?” She suggested sarcastically. The King suppressed a smile and shook his head, “Eat your breakfast Madalie.” –
Her Father’s Daughter, Chapter Three

“Madalie be happy being little, be content with your youth for when you are older you will look back and wish these days were yours again.”
He took her and cradled her in his arms, “Time is precious my love and life is like the wild flowers you bring home to me: They are beautiful on my desk for a few short days and then they are thrown out. Be my little girl while you can
.”- Her Father’s Daughter, Chapter Three

Madalie crossed her arms and furrowed her brow, “I won’t be happy until I can ride a horse!” She replied, her bottom lip puckering into a very nasty frown.
“That is entirely your choice. You may be as unhappy as you would like in your room but there is no room for unhappiness where I am. So where would you like to be?” –
Her Father’s Daughter, Chapter Three

Of course Madalie despite her temper tantrums loathed herself for hurting the King and so as soon as the sun was shinning she ran to the King, threw her arms around his neck and told him she was sorry and said if he wanted her to wait a thousand years to take riding lessons she would.
The King held her for a moment, listening to all her solemn promises. Then gently he let go of her and sitting her on his knee, gently brushed the wet hair from her cheeks. “I love you, “He whispered, “Let's go for a walk.”
–Her Father’s Daughter, Chapter Three

“If you really trusted me and believed that I am looking out for your best interest you wouldn't have thought that your plans were better than mine and if you knew,” He looked her straight in the eye, “If you really knew with all your heart how much I love you, you would never have another bad day.”
Madalie hung her head. Why did she have to be so stupid?!
Her Father’s Daughter, Chapter Three

She took a few steps toward him, knowing she didn't deserve the least bit of affection or forgiveness.
“Please daddy,” her voice hoarse, “please...I...I don't want to leave you. I..I,” She broke down, letting the tears fall freely, “Just please don't be angry at me forever! I know you should be but I need you to love me!”
The King shook his head, “Come here you silly girl!”
She took the remaining steps, closing the gap between them.
“Haven't you been listening to me?” He questioned as he took her in his arms and sat her on the desk so that her eyes were level with his.
“I never stop loving you, my love is limitless and no matter how you might try to test its limits you will never find an end.”
“But you were angry...” She began but the King didn't let her finish.
“Yes, I was because you were willing to put yourself in danger for a little temporary pleasure. You don't even realize that when you are in danger so am I, when you are in pain so am I.”
She wanted to burst into tears again but she didn't. She wanted to make promises that she would never again disobey the King but she didn't. Instead she wrapped her arms around his neck and whispered in his ear, “I think I want to be like you when I grow up.”
He took her in his arms and held her close, wishing he'd never have to let her go. –
Her Father’s Daughter, Chapter Three

Ron lunged for the boy tackling him to the ground and all of a sudden all the children began chanting, “Fight, fight, fight...”

Grace shook her head, “Here we go again.”

“Someone should stop them,” Madalie said watching in shock.

“Oh Mr. Frasier...” But Grace was unable to finish her sentence, “Wait Madalie what are you doing?” She asked as Madalie began to walk toward the fight.
“What the King would do,” She said over her shoulder, liking how brave she sounded.

“Yeah but the King is like seven feet tall,” Grace pointed out but Madalie kept on walking.

“Great,” Grace said to herself, then got up to follow her friend.

–Her Father’s Daughter, Chapter Five

Madalie felt like a martyr. She got up from her seat and trembling walked over to the desk at the front of the room. She wondered what would happen if she cried for help?
However she took her punishment without a word but inside she loathed Mr. Frasier. She wished the King would come right then and rescue her but he didn't. –Her Father’s Daughter, Chapter Five

“Oh daddy!” She cried, “I've had the most terrible day!”
Then all that day’s events tumbled out. She told him everything.

The King listened. This was just the sort of day he knew his daughter was bound to have but he also knew this was just the sort of day she needed in order to fully appreciate her blessings. He didn't tell her this though.

“My poor Madalie,” He said soothingly, “I am very sorry for you my love.”

“Then why don't you march into that school room and give Mr. Fraiser a good canning and while you're at it punch Ron in the nose for me!” She exclaimed, her brows furrowed.

“Now, now,” He answered quietly, “That wouldn't fix anything.”

“But it would make me feel better,” She sniffled.

“Temporarily, my little human girl,” He smiled a little and took her up in his arms, “You were treated unfairly but you shouldn't have interfered with the boys fighting. It wasn't your place. I don't think you deserved to be so severally punished but we will forgive them their trespasses today.” –
Her Fathers Daughter, Chapter Five

The King held her and kissed her, “Let's fix this day,” he suggested.

“How?”She wondered.

“By spending the rest of it with me of course!”

She giggled and suddenly she was tired of being angry. She thought to herself that at the end of lessons, at the end of a bad day or being treated unfairly everyone else had to go home without the King but not her. She had the King and that was special indeed. It was also the precise lesson the King had wanted her to learn. - Her Father’s Daughter, Chapter Five

“I'm not a good person. I'm nothing like your daughter for instance, you love her kind but come on! I'm the son of an alcoholic. I thought seriously about shoving your daughter in a deadly cold lake.”

The King rubbed his chin, “You think Madalie is perfect?” He laughed a little, “So you’re confused about a few more things than I thought. If you were perfect I wouldn't be here, if I didn't care for you I wouldn't be here either but I do care and so I came.”

– Her Father’s Daughter, Chapter Six

Growling she turned around and marched back up the stairs and into her father's study.

“Daddy why is that...that horrible boy downstairs?” She asked, collapsing in a chair.

“Ron is going to be staying with us for awhile,” He replied.

“No!” She cried, “No way! I won’t ever leave my room if that's true. Ever!”

“Madalie stop over reacting. If you knew Ron's circumstances I think you'd be a bit more understanding.” –Her Father’s Daughter, Chapter Six

“I know Ron has been unkind to you but I don't think he will treat you that way anymore. You and I are going to give him a second chance. Do you understand?”

Madalie's shoulders slumped, “Okay but you may never see me smile again.”

“Oh really?” He asked a twinkle in his eyes.

She nodded, her face in a definite pout.

In one easy swoop the King gathered her in his arms.

“We'll see about that,” He said kissing her cheeks and tickling her face with his beard.
She immediately burst out laughing, “Oh, stop that daddy!” She cried between tickles, “That's not fair!”
“Ah, she's smiling ladies and gentlemen,” He said with mock astonishment, “I have done the impossible yet again!”

“You cheated,” She stated as he sat her back down.

“Not possible my dear. There are no rules when it comes to fathers tickling their daughters.”

“Oh fine!” She said surrendering to his smile, “I can't help being happy when you're around anyways.”

He smiled, “I know,” He replied with a wink. –
Her Father’s Daughter, Chapter Six

She turned and looked at Ron, obviously annoyed.
“Would you bring me the chess board over there?” He asked, pointing to the board that lay on the table across the room.
“I am neither your servant or your friend,” She replied. –Her Father’s Daughter, Chapter Six

“I'm not in here!” She yelled, still under her bed.
The King only opened the door and came in.
“Who are hiding from?” He asked spotting her bare feet sticking out the other side of her bed.
“I don't know,” She mumbled.
The King knelt down and peered under the bed, “It doesn't look very comfortable under there.”
“It's not,” She admitted. Then she crawled out and sat beside the King on the floor, with her arms wrapped around her knees.
“You've been crying,” The King noted sadly.
Madalie nodded, “I'm just a little sad that's all.”
“Why haven't I heard about this?” He asked gently, “Even if you're just a little sad I still want to hear about what's making you sad.”
“It's no big deal daddy! I can handle it.”
“How do you know?” He asked.
She shrugged, “Cause I'm nine years old now.”
“Oh I see. Well, tell me anyways, just in case.” He suggested.
“You aren't going to love me very much afterwards but alright.”
The King put his arms around Madalie, “You know that is nonsense and impossible!”

–Her Father’s Daughter, Chapter Six

“Hate is a very strong word my love,” He continued more gently, “I only use it when I am talking about severe wickedness and you shouldn't use it unless that is what you are talking about too.”
– Her Father’s Daughter, Chapter Six

“Love is a choice and you may not feel like loving but that is not what it's about.”

“Then what is it about?”She wondered.

“It's about making sacrifices and making up your mind right now that no matter what you will love...no matter what-that's the hard part.”

Madalie didn't say anything, she was thinking. So the King continued, “You can't wait around hoping to feel like loving Ron you have to decide in your heart that's what you're going to do.” –
Her Father’s Daughter, Chapter Six

The King got up from the floor and offered his hand to Madalie, “But gentlemen do offer ladies help up.”
Madalie took his offered hand and he led her to the door.
“And gentlemen do open the door for ladies,” He continued opening the door and letting her walk through first.
Madalie smiled, “And ladies curtsy and say, 'thank you very much kind sir,'” she replied curtsying very low and holding out her hand for him to kiss.

“My, my,” The King replied after kissing her extended hand several times, “I hope you don't give this privilege to every gentleman who opens the door for you.”

Madalie laughed, “Only the really handsome ones!” She teased.

The King shook his head in mocked gravity, “Whatever will I do with you?”

She wrapped her arms around him, “Love me!”

He kissed the top of her head, “I can do that.” –Her Father’s Daughter, Chapter Six

“Sheeesh Madalie you're such a girl! Can't you shut up for two seconds so I can talk to you?!”

She silently counted on her fingers, one and two, “There. Happy?”

“Congratulations!” Ron said clapping his hands, “Now what I was trying to say was that I liked you as a friend but I didn't know what to do but come on! Couldn't you tell when you came to school I was trying to be nice?” –Her Father’s Daughter, Chapter Six

He grinned, “Does that mean you'll bring be the chess board?”

“Oh I can do better than that,” She replied as she got up and brought over the board.
“What do you mean?” He asked, noting the mischievous gleam in her eye.
“Mr. Matthews have I ever told you I'm an excellent chess player?” She asked as she began to set up the pieces.
He grinned again, this time bigger than before, “I don't remember you mentioning it but I don't know a lot about you so it doesn't surprise me.”
She chuckled, “Black or white?”
–Her Father’s Daughter, Chapter Six

The King entered his study and locked the door behind him. On the other side of the room there was a rustle of papers and a quiet laugh.
“You better have a good explanation ready,” The King said angrily.
In an instant the enemy was visible, “Why so upset?” He asked in a smooth, even tone,
“Have you had a bad day? Is it my daughter again? She looks more and more like me every day and have you noticed her heart? I think the humans say, 'The apple doesn't fall very far from the tree.”
“Enough!” The King commanded, “Be still. I called you here to listen not to hear your empty words.”
“Hurry up then so I can be on my way,” The enemy hissed back.
“Have you been visiting Madalie in her room and while she plays in the garden?”
“No,” the enemy answered causally.
The King grabbed then enemy and pushed him against the wall, “You dare lie to me?!”
The enemy made no attempt to free himself, he only looked the King in the eye and replied, “Ask me no questions, I'll tell you no lies.”
“Madalie is off limits. You are never to show yourself to her until the time appointed you.”
“My aren't we feisty today,” the enemy smiled ruthlessly.
The King dropped him to the floor, “It has nothing to do with today,” He replied stepping over him, “It's just you.”
“And to think we once were friends,” The enemy said with a scowl as he dusted off his clothes.
“I try to forget,” The King replied coolly, “Now get out and if you cross the line again our deals off.”
The enemy gave a mock bow, “Your wish is my command as always my lord.”
“Good bye devil,” –
Her Father’s Daughter, Chapter Seven


Anonymous said...

Dear Elizabeth,
Can you give me a password so I can read you story?
Love Eliza

Jones said...

Wow, I read them all and boy, do you have a lot of favorite quotes!!! I also saw a lot of stuff there I did not recognize at all. It was kinda confusing to read all those peices of the puzzle without any background soooo.... I second Eliza's motion! Can you give me a password?? Love you, and love Her Father's Daughter! Nicole

Anonymous said...

How many pages are there in Your story.

Anonymous said...

You can Email me the password.

Anonymous said...

I would love to have it.

elizabethann said...

Awww girls you are so sweet :)
Right now my book isn't quite finished and I want you to get to readd ALL of it so when it's done I'll give each and everyone of you the password :)
Thank you for caring...it makes me feel so loved!
I have no idea how many pages there are as of right now...I do know that the first book is close to 30 chapters!

Christian Woman Online

"Neither do I condemn you.."

"Neither do I condemn you.."
John 8:11

Anne of Green Gables


Listen to this playlist: elizabeth88ann's Playlist

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Wait For Me, Rebecca St James - I sing this song when I need to :-)



Before You Watch, Because You Loved Me

The following music video has scenes from the Passion of The Christ and so a few scenes show a good amount of blood. Please make sure you ALWAYS ask your parents before watching videos online.

Because You Loved Me



Beauty Is As Beauty Does

Beauty Is As Beauty Does
It's not what you put on your face, it's whats in your heart that really matters!

"I am dying of thirst by the side of the fountain." Charles D'Orleans

"I am dying of thirst by the side of the fountain." Charles D'Orleans
Why do you sit parched by a Fountain? Your Bible is on your night stand and a church a few blocks away... Go take a long drink from God's Fountain and LIVE.


Welcome back to Life!!!

Waiting for her Prince to Come...

Waiting for her Prince to Come...
Key Word Waiting!

Abort Abortion

Abort Abortion
Stand up for the Babies!

What Breaks God's Heart?

What Breaks God's Heart?

  • People who forget their purpose
  • The Ten Commandments beoming the Ten Good Ideas
  • Bellies that will never be full
  • Parents who are not cared for in their old age
  • Churches with closed hearts
  • Babies dying before they breath their first breath
  • Fathers who are not thanked
  • Mothers who are forgotten
  • Little Girls who are not treasured
  • Little Boys who are put aside
  • And His children choosing to stand on the side-lines